Reading: A key to a Beautiful Future

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Reading is a form of acquiring knowledge, it helps people understand what they cannot and can improve they're vocabulary. Reading gives a lot of benefits and provide no disadvantage to the reader. One can acquire different skills and knowledge from different books or any type of literature, although that would be the case, many people aren't fond of reading or find reading boring.

Those people who find reading boring are justifiable, they may be unable to enjoy cracking open a book and reading for hours by a window or within a quiet space cause they might not be accustomed to it or they may have Aphantasia (Aphantasia is the suggested name for a condition where one does not possess a functioning mind's eye and cannot voluntarily visualize imagery) that prevents them from enjoying reading books cause they can't visualize what they have read. Although that may be true, reading isn't just limited to novels or those sophisticated books that most bookworms are immersed in. Reading books with imagery can also provide benefits to the reader, it's not what the literature contains or how sophisticated it was written, if the reader can't pick up on it, then it's not worth reading. Reading leads the reader on an adventure in his mind and helps him learn various things that he can implement in future situations.

Reading isn't only for the intellectual people or those who have wild imaginations, it's for anyone who wants to enjoy it, so don't be scared to crack open a book and let time past by without noticing, being immersed and entertained by it isn't a bad thing, to say the least, reading isn't only for learning in the first place, entertainment is also something it gives to those who are willing to give reading a try.



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