10th Graders' ICT

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During the School Year 2018-2019, we've studied ICT for Grade 10. The study sessions were always consistent but only in the first quarter. Throughout the second to fourth quarters, the schedule for learning has been gradually decreasing and passing of requirements have been hectic. Classes were still interesting and it still had a good learning process, but that was only up till the third quarter. The teacher isn't to blame for it, but learning the lessons in the 4th quarter has been hard because of very little time remaining and having an even more hectic schedule than usual. Learning in the subject is still pretty consistent, but not entirely.

Although time has been the worst enemy, the lessons were still fun and interesting. We've studied how computer hardware and software work, dismantled and assembled a system unit, learned how to make blogs and posting them for an audience, made our own web design through HTML tags and editing/making images through the use of Photoshop. We've already gathered a handful of knowledge in this subject, it's something that's can't be easily dismissed despite having an unstable schedule. Although that may be the case, the learning process for any of these is hard, it requires your utmost focus to follow the lessons. I can't deny that this subject was hard, but it also gives a sense of satisfaction once you've learned something from here and applied it. I have mixed feelings towards this subject, I don't love it as much as I used to, but I also don't hate it. It's probably just because of the bad time management, but I didn't enjoy it as much as I would expect.

Overall, The subject has been an experience, I can't differentiate whether or not it's been a good or bad experience, but it's an experience that's worth experiencing. Learning multiple things in the subject and applying them is very satisfying and very helpful, but  I still can't get over the fact that the schedule is still messed up and inconsistent, but that's just my opinion. Maybe others may have opinions that differ than mine, but this was how I saw my own experience with the subject.



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